About This Author
Muntaka Chasant
Muntaka Chasant is an independent researcher and documentary photographer based in Accra, Ghana. His work is at the intersection of geographies of waste, urban marginality, new and emerging challenges, including the 'three planetary crises' of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Feel free to drop him a line at hello[at]muntaka.com.
Content From This Author
Climate Change in Ghana Climate Emergency Victims of Climate Change
Victims of Climate Change: People, Memories and Coastal Struggles
Victims of climate change are already here but shunned, left to fight their own battles. The future of towns and villages on Ghana's southeastern coast hangs in the balance in a time of climate crisis. A depressing reminder of how the rest of us should ready ourselves for the oncoming climate chaos.
Agbogbloshie Urban poverty
Agbogbloshie Demolition: The End of An Era or An Injustice?
Emerging consequences of the Agbogbloshie demolition and a glimpse of everyday struggles in Accra and how urban marginality is experienced. Beyond the role of the State in dispossessing Accra's urban poor, the Agbogbloshie demolition should be viewed within the context of socio-spatial entanglements.
Atidza Densu Delta Mangroves in Ghana
Fisheries and Mangroves in Ghana: Atidza and the Densu Delta Ecosystems
Tidal river fishermen have degraded the mangrove forest cover around the Densu Delta — a Ramsar-designated wetland — for traditional fish traps. Only about 16 red mangrove trees (Rhizophora species) are left standing, having all been cut down for the traps, fuelwood, and timber. However, mangrove biomass is critical for fish assemblages, which the fishers rely on. This habitat degradation has led to a loss of biodiversity in the area, leading to a decline in fish stocks in the Densu intertidal zone. The video below explores this problem.
Climate Change Livelihoods
Fisheries and Climate Change in Ghana
In a classic Tragedy of The Commons scenario, industrial fishing vessels in Ghana are dredging up small pelagics reserved for the artisanal sector — having already depleted higher trophic species. The vessels tip overboard the unwanted (bycatch). In response, Ghana’s artisanal canoe fishers are resorting to destructive fishing practices, including using bombs to send a shock wave through the water to maximize catch and light to attract shoals of fish. The canoe fishers say they would stop when the Government stops the trawlers. Climate change is magnifying these vulnerabilities to the extent that fishermen no longer go to the sea because 'there is no fish in the ocean'. Is the future already here?
Environmental Pollution Korle Lagoon Livelihoods Plastic Pollution Society
Plastic Pollution in Ghana: Urban Trash Heroes
Urban poor men risked injury and drowning to swim in the heavily polluted Korle Lagoon — floating alongside human remains sometimes — to recover recyclable plastics, which they sold for around $0.17 per kilo.
Climate Change Fish processing in Ghana Society Urban poverty
Fish Processing in Ghana: Trade-offs Between Livelihoods and Health risks
Fish processors in Ghana trade-off between their livelihoods and exposure to cancer-causing toxicants, including PAHs. Climate-related shocks and overfishing are reshaping the mobility of migrant fishers.
Agbogbloshie Ghana Society
Urban Outcasts: Children of Agbogbloshie
Urban poverty, children in toxic spaces, and hazardous child labour.
On the Banks of the Korle, Where Memories and Hope Intersect
Note: Images in this post are strictly for documentary and editorial purposes. Do not use in any context without license or permission. The Youth of Accra The Korle Lagoon flows into the Gulf of Guinea, the northeasternmost part of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. It is not only a reservoir of pollution and waste, but also […]